LGBTQ Politics, Movements, and Studies

Cultural  citizenship, according to Lisa Rofel is the  a form of belonging in a society. “By cultural citizenship, I mean to highlight how citizenship, or belonging, is not merely a political attribute but also a process in which culture becomes a relevant category of affinity” (94). Wing and Fai have a complicated relationship, they constantly fight and at the same time want to be together.  The only happy moment in their relationship was when Fai was taking care of Wing after the injury. Fai wanted to return to his home country but wasn’t able to due to his financial status. On other hand Wing did not want to return to his countries as much as Fai did. Wing was looking for a new places ( new excitements) to start over every time something went wrong. When Fai and Wing broke up, Fai was working at the bar Wong portrays the mood and the feeling of the character thru black and white picture. When Wing and Fai reunite and are together ( when they were in the little apartment after the injuries.) the picture is colored and the more happy songs use for the background.

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